Over the Moon (2020)

A contemporary retelling of the mythological Chinese tale about a girl building a rocket ship to visit a mysterious moon goddess.

Over the Moon movie logo Netflix

Over the Moon Trailers & Clips

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Over the Moon Movie Details

  • Release Date: October 16, 2020
  • Run Time: 1hr 36min
  • Director: Glen Deane
  • Writers: Audrey Wells, Jennifer Yee McDevitt, Alice Wu

Over the Moon Cast and Characters

  • Glen Keane – Space Dog, Rail Worker 3
  • Brycen Hall – Young Fei Fei
  • Ruthie Ann Miles – Mother
  • John Cho – Father
  • Cathy Ang – Fe Fei
  • Edie Ichioka – Bungee
  • Greg Watanabe – Male Customer, Railer Worker 2
  • Elizabeth Pan – Photographed Mother
  • James Taku Leung – Photographed Father, Rail Worker 1, Delivery Man
  • Josiah D. Lee – Photographed Son
  • Lucy Lin – Photographed Daughter
  • David Chen – Townsperson, Teacher
  • Sandra Oh – Mrs. Zhong
  • Robert G. Chiu – Ching
  • Margaret Cho – Auntie Ling, Gretch

Over the Moon Quotes

Magnetic levitation’s the coolest!
Young Fei Fei

Over the Moon Games & Apps

Sonic the Hedgehog Classic

Race at lightning speeds across seven classic zones as Sonic the Hedgehog. Run and spin through loop-de-loops as you collect rings and defeat enemies on your mission to save the world from the evil Dr. Eggman.

Over the Moon Plot Summary (Spoilers)

The Over the Moon movie is an animation film produced by a Chinese-American computer-animated family fantasy film producer.

It was produced in 2020, where Glen Keane played the movie director’s role and was co-directed by John Kahrs. The screenplay is done by Audrey Wells and Jennifer, with an additional screenplay done by Jennifer Yee McDevitt.

Over the Moon 2020 movie poster

Both Netflix Animation and Pearl Studios took an active role in producing the movie, while Sony Pictures Image Works took the role of movie animation.

It has the record of being the first international film under Keane as the director who served Walt Disney Animation Studio as the animator. It took the second position of the films to be produced by Pearl Studios after their first film, the DreamWorks of 2019 animated movie Abominable.

Over the Moon building a rocket ship

The first time for the movie to be theater was on 17th October 2020 at the Montclair Film Festival, while the second time was its Netflix theater show on 23rd October.

The movie won a nomination in the Golden Globe for Best Animated Film after attaining over $860,000. The film also won an Academy Award in the same year for the top animated feature film.

Related: The Willoughbys

Over the Moon Movie Plot.

It is about a girl named Fei Fei who learns about Chang’e, the immortal Moon goddess. The goddess gains her immortality powers after taking the immortality potion, which gives her the ability to ascend to the Moon without the intervention of her lover Houyi.

She, however, decides to wait for her lover on the Moon. There is an anticipated Moon Festival on the Moon. Everyone is preparing to attend the festival, including Fei Fei, together with her family, and decides to make villagers happy by preparing a mooncake.

Over the Moon working at her desk

Unfortunately, her mother becomes ill, and out of love for her daughter, she gives her a rabbit by the name Bungee, and she passes away shortly. This disrupts Fei Fei’s peace, although she continues to have faith in Chang’e even four years later.

She discovers a secret affair between her father and Ms. Zhong, which upset her peace more than her son, Chin, who recently annoys her. Together with her family, Fei Fei joins others at the Moon Festival gala, where her mother’s memories reappear.

Meanwhile, legend Chang’e and a crane inspire her to build a rocket that would enable her to land on the Moon, where she would prove the existence of Chang’e.

Over the Moon girl and her bunny

Her rocket has the appearance of a Chinese paper lantern with a rabbit shape. The rocket is powered by fireworks that accelerate its velocity to almost succeed in getting into the Moon. Still, unfortunately, she discovers that Chin is aboard the rocket, and the result is the rocket crashing on Earth.

Mysteriously, the rocket is rescued by a strong energy beam that thrusts the rocket to the Moon where they land, but their rocket crashes after a playful spirit overwhelms it. The spirit, however, protects them from injuries and instead directs them to Lunaria.

While in Lunaria, Fei Fei and Chin meet Chang’e and her support staff dancers known as the Lunettes. In their conversation, Fei Fei discovers that she was to take a gift to Chang’e since she had the powers to restore Houyi’s life.

Over the Moon gazing at the moon

She wants to prove to other people that Chang’e is real, so she captures a photo with Chang’e. However, Chang’e is disappointed by the photo, and she decides to possess the photo until Fei Fei presents the gift.

A misunderstanding arises when Fei Fei fails to decode what Chang’e is talking about, which further disappoints Chang’e. She goes further to declare a taut competition with Fei Fei to win the gift.

This must be achieved before the end of the moondust falls. On realizing that, Fei Fei gets disappointed with Chin, and she decides to abandon him. Biker Chicks gives her a free ride to the site where their rocket crashed.

Over the Moon father and daughter

The lonely Chin realizes the Lunettes possess the photo snatched from Fei Fei. Chang’e persists in knowing where the gift is kept, so she challenges Chin in a Ping Pong competition in which Chin triumphs, thus disappointing her further. Chang’e becomes terrified when she discovers her wish of seeing Houyi again may not come true.

Meanwhile, Chin falls into a Chang’e chamber trap, thus permitting Bungee to trace the Jade Rabbit to Chin’s workstation. Both the Biker Chicks and Fei Fei arrive at the rocket crash site, where they find the Gobi, a banished Lunarian.

Fei Fei discovers an amazing Chang’e doll that she believes could be the wanted precious gift. However, Biker Chicks erupts with the doll leaving behind Gobi and Fei Fei frustrated.

Over the Moon brother and sister

Gobi and Fei Fei agree to ride on a giant toad to catch up with the vanished Biker Chicks, and this gives Gobi a chance to disclose the reasons behind her banishment by Chang’e from Lunaria.

She could sing a beautiful song whose theme was about moving on. They manage to stop Biker Chicks, and they start wrangling, and as a result, the doll is partially damaged.

Something happens to Fei Fei when she discovers a piece of broken half jade inside her mooncake, and she learns that the open jade circle is Change’s most treasured gift.

They now agree to go back to Lunairia’s place to meet their colleagues, Bungee and Chin, before presenting the Chang’e broken gift.

Chang’e accepts the gift and restores the jade to its full shape. Upon restoring the jade, Houyi and Chang’e reunite, but unexpectedly Houyi wishes that Chang move on before her time to fade away is due.

However, Chang’e declines the proposals, which causes a huge depression to Chang’e, resulting in total darkness in the entire Lunaria after the lights go off.

Fei Fei makes an effort to help Chang’e come out of her depression, but unfortunately, before she succeeds, her dead mother’s memories resurface, causing her to get into a state of sadness.

She is too depressed about seeing her mother. Meanwhile, both Chang’e and Fei discover that they must learn how to cope with their previous tragedies, so they agree to encourage each other.

They resort to finding love around them and accept that they love their dead lovers, bringing light back to Lunaria. Chang’e appreciates Fei Fei’s contributions and encouragement, and she permits her passage back home together with Chin.

Bungee is, however, left on the Moon to stay with the Jade Rabbit. Gobi is further accepted back in Lunaria. After bidding goodbye to Lunarian, Chin and Fei Fei travel back home, and Fei Fie ends their grudge about Mrs. Zhong as her father’s wife and accepts Chin to be her brother.

One year later, Fei Fei’s new family lives happily. She never forgets to watch on the Moon as Cranes fly toward the Moon every night.

Brandon Crombar

Brandon Crombar

Editor In Chief / Founder

Brandon is an animation enthusiast and animated film critic. He has been writing about animation since 2013 to celebrate animated movies, characters, and songs. His favorite animated movies include Finding Nemo, Aladdin, and The Lion King.


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